Jaunty Angle
I think I am back to normal today, though I was very tired this morning and I am sure I could have slept for a few more hours had I been able. TT was off to work early and I was up early – though not early enough, and had a hurried pre-work walk. I was back in time to make sure BB was off to school. I then had a hard day at the laptop.
I had a quick visit to the local shop at lunchtime and an interesting conversation on my way back home, though I really didn’t have time for a chat. I then discovered that one of my colleagues had gone swimming at lunchtime and had also had an interesting lunchtime conversation.
After tea I did some cleaning, and then had a walk to the supermarket for a couple of things.
This lamp post has been leaning at a jaunty angle for a few weeks now.
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