The Sixteen

Evening falls softly,
Sublime voices surround us,
Aching harmony.

Oh my, what an amazing experience. We went to see a concert by The Sixteen which was in the rather grand chapel at Ardingly College.

The Sixteen sing early choral music such as by Palestrina, Allegri as well as more modern pieces inspired by these works, notably last night were pieces by MacMillan.

The singing is sublime, perfect crushing harmonies, this link gives a taste, but nothing can give the chills like being there when they are singing from different parts of the venue in perfect polyphony.

Blown away.

Yesterdays back blip

Back blipping this - Been absent from blip for a few days so horribly behind with journals and comments ... a busy day ahead so will try and catch up with everyone this evening. Might be treating myself to a new camera today ..... if I can stitch together the right deal!

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