I really have been overwhelmed by the number of cards, gifts and flowers I have received and these have lifted my spirits - especially the chocolates because you all know I am a chocoholic - which is why Mr. T called me Madame Chocolat, bless him!  A friend came this morning with some more and said I should have one a day - well I did tell her I would try, but I'm not promising anything!

Heidi gave us a tin of syrup waffles she had bought in Amsterdam on her way home from Sweden and they are very moreish, so with one of those and a chocolate, that should suffice and the good thing is that Mr. HCB is not keen on them! 

A reasonable night sleeping in our bed, but still a lot of pain in my leg and I couldn’t bear the quilt on it during the night - so Mr. HCB has suggested two or three pillows on either side tonight, to “take the strain” - we will see if that works!

Thank you once again for all your kind comments, good wishes, stars and hearts, which are all very much appreciated.

I’m hoping that the new meds will have kicked in by tonight and I have a better night’s sleep.  

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