
It was 9º when I got up on this morning of the last day of August. The house felt well chilled. 

It is all relative, of course. 

Most of my day has been taken up with more garden work. I have a long hedge on one boundary, and August is the last month for trimming it until April. It is off limits while the birds are nesting, so the window of opportunity is small.

Doing it now means it should look respectable all autumn, winter and spring. 

I will not finish it until next week, when I can get Junior to come here to hold the ladder while I cut the top bit. I got about 20% done today. 

I predict a few hedging Blips in the coming days.  

On Tuesday I hand washed my Queen's Park woolly hat (not out of love, but so all my other clothes did not turn grey in the machine) knowing I might need it in September. 

I did think of putting it on while I was having my coffee this morning, but decided I would survive without it. Meantime...

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