Beach Babes

The Selkie and I were both up and out the door at 7:10am to be picked up at the end of George Square by Sue. George Square itself is no entry at the moment because it is a seething mass of lorries and barricades as the Fringe equipment is dismantled.

It was a pity that the Selkie’s first visit to Porty was at low tide, but it was warm and sunny so the long walk to deepish water, wading through the shallows, was pleasant enough. It does take a certain expertise to swim in shallow water when one’s knees are scraping  along the bottom

De-sanding two sets of swimming gear took a while but we rewarded ourselves with brunch in Söderberg and later a long sit  on the patio in the sun.
After the Selkie left to see her daughter, the sun suddenly disappeared and I took the opporchancity to nip down to M&S for goodies. I don’t think I could have left the warmth and sun on the patio otherwise.

I’m on my own for dinner tonight -the Selkie has had a better offer. I’ll miss her company. It was a merry affair last night aided and abetted by gin kindly brought my daughter #1 as daughter #3 had obviously been availing herself liberally of what was in the cupboard while she stayed here and hadn’t left us enough.

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