Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

View from the balcony

I'm trying to gradually up my exercise, which had diminished to almost zero with the onset of the back/buttock pain back in early June.  On Monday, I climbed on the exercise bike and did a gentle 8km, with no ill effects.  Today I pushed a little harder, and a little longer.

Then after a shower, I settled down in the sewing room.  I'm gradually piecing together this quilt, with sashing and cornerstones.  But it's slow because I am frequently distracted by the house martins, who today were clearly trying to entice baby out of the nest.  The adults kept flying up, babe would open his mouth expecting a feed, and the adult would fly off again - so cruel!  

I think they succeeded.  My view from the window is a small segment, and of course I can't see into the nest, so can only see the birds in the nest if they're peering out of the doorway, but I think that I saw babe fly off.   Later I saw him back in the nest, so I could have been mistaken, it might have been an adult flying off.

Another day of showery weather.  I did get some washing dry on the line, but soon after I took it in, it was raining again.  But in the evening, we were blessed with good weather in Wexford.  

S and T invited me to join them at the social get together of the band I am joining.  Their regular rehearsals start next week, but today was a barbecue at the Wexford Harbour Boat Club.  It was nice to meet a few of the people I will be playing with next week.  The weather was good enough to sit out on the balcony to eat our food.  I spent some time watching the little brown and white dog, who looked quite precariously perched on the edge, I thought he might lose his balance and fall in.

Afterwards, since the supermarkets routinely stay open till 10pm, a little shopping.  W needed aubergine and peppers to transform the large courgette into ratatouille. 

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