Oft Walked Square

This pleasant pedestrianised square where our Exhaustion Terrace bar is located is just around the block. During the pandemic, once allowed out, I had a circuit of 1,000 steps measured out, here, that I would launch myself into to get not just ten but twenty thousands steps a day . . . well, there was little else to do! Establishing the route was, in itself, a detailed task, needing rework, with a huge ‘bingo’ moment when I hit the mark three times running and could safely say it had been well and truly calibrated. I recalled all this yesterday, little knowing I would pace the same route today as I spoke to a close same-age friend in Scotland from university days who suffered a heart attack nearly two years ago. A few months have passed since our last conversation and I was glad to hear that light at the end of the tunnel was in sight as regards regaining full energy levels. I was also enlightened by his sharing insights into how male bravado has hidden the frequent condition of high anxiety in that population following such events. Luckily, my friend had sensitive counselling and reassurance that his reaction was indeed normal. Another of our circle, again same age, is fighting pancreatic cancer. Let’s make the most of what we have whether we are in our sixties, seventies, eighties or beyond!

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