All in a Day

It was great today to be out in the wilds of northern Dartmoor. Its a tough and sometimes challenging environment for walking and I was pleased to have company today. I used to walk regularly with my walking companion but it has been 3 years since we last walked together, so there was a lot of catching up to do! Starting at Meldon our walk took us down the West Okement river, then up along the Red-a-ven brook and the steep climb to Yes Tor, the highest point on Dartmoor. We then walked along the ridge to High Willhayes before beginning our descent to Dinger Tor and Lints Tor. The final stretch was a fairly level walk down through the West Okement Valley and then back along the edge of Meldon Reservoir. A total distance of about 9 miles. The main blip shows Lints Tor. The extras show Yes Tor, My walking companion at Lints Tor and finally a stretch of the West Okement Valley.

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