Reinstating garden etc after Friday evening.
We spent a good part of the afternoon tidying up and reinstating things in the garden after Friday evening’s storm. The garden flooded a bit, some soil was washed out of various beds, and some onto new gravel. A lot of the sand was washed out of the re sanded monoblock; I know it gets washed away over time… but not as much as happened in one go! A neighbour had cocoa shells (weed suppression) washed into his garden. And my wife spoke to someone whose house was struck by lightning; she lost power and a number of her neighbours were affected too.
Older son and daughter-in-law’s wee dog is two years old today! We’re visiting the wee family tomorrow.
Younger son and partner paid a visit to a major prison in Scotland; a family and friends day. We’d several interesting conversations around this; my career took me to many establishments over the years. The prison regime and establishments are a world apart.
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