
Up and out early for prep for the village fete. It takes place in the field behind my house so I am first to see the council men arrive with the marquees. They provide us with marquees, tables, chairs, bins and a generator for our tea urns. It’s pretty good support really.
But, we have an annual problem with the generators provided, and this year was no different. Luckily we had a plan B which rapidly became Plan A and the tea was saved.
It’s a really teeny weeny fete but it’s a lovely traditional social occasion. The little kids were cute as ever in the fancy dress competition. Someone had suggested a Swiss Roll competition which really was not a good idea and caused much angst. My own attempt was left at home in 2 pieces, I probably could have repaired it but didn’t have the energy! But those who succeeded did a great job!
The sun shone all afternoon, which was a huge bonus after a grey morning.
At the end of the day I had done 16000 steps, and just around our wee village. And I lay on the sofa all evening.

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