Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A black and white neighbourhood cat.

The birthday of St. Maria Faustina.
I prayed and was blessed with the courage I needed to go to the pharmacy to get my blood pressure checked. The kind pharmacist was efficient and very patient and understanding. Paul came with me. After two tests on my left arm, then one on my right arm, all the readings were very high. I found seeing the numbers high again, after we first saw them using the home monitor, was alarming. Seriously concerning time for me. Thank goodness Paul was well enough to drive me to the health centre. Blood tests for a wide spectrum of different markers were taken. The nurse was a lady we knew from Church. She put me at my ease. They tested my heart.
It was all brilliant and although I was anxious about the v. high BP and the urgency to help bring it down to a safer level, the team of professionals were superb.
Thank you for your kind prayers to support me through this time. I take one small 10mg tablet each day and I took the first one 4:05pm. I need to monitor the Blood Pressure twice a day for 5 days and go back to the doctor on 31st August. I am a Sagittarian as well as being g a Christian and so faith plus optimism are good philosophies to face all of this and hope to recover.
Thank you for visiting my site. The pussy cat cheered me up this morning.

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