Those books

It was a nice start to the day when we got messages from our granddaughter telling us all about her GCSE results. They are good. She worked so hard, she deserves the results she has. Gordon was relieved that she did well in Geography after all the tutorials they had, although the influence he had I’m sure was as much to do with giving her confidence and developing exam technique, as it was to do with geography.

She did very well in both English Language and Literature, which is her first love and what she wants to carry on with, her aim at the moment being to be a journalist like her Aunt. She is such a good writer, always has been, that I’m sure she will get to where she wants to be.

I was thinking about her when she was a small child and I pulled out a few books that I remember sharing with her. Did this really have an impact on her language skills - I can’t help but think so. All the carefully chosen books, those with rhyme, rhythm, repetition, wonderful words and read over and over with delight. Books that allow the child to tell and talk about the story. Surely I’m right in thinking that this is a way in which language is developed and imagination is encouraged. Perhaps I had a small, part in her success.

Anyway - well done Alice, we are all proud of you.

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