
By Annieone


A first....I’m so chuffed...:))
This is the first Passion Flower I’ve ever grown ..only sowed it late this season and never expected it to flower so quickly..
I’m delighted...!
Extras...just some of my tomato crop picked today...
And the scenery and lakes of County Leitrim are just beautiful but having driven around a lot of the county on Tuesday it has definitely put paid to my ‘romantic notion’ of moving back to live in the is just so remote!!
The wee cottage in the picture was part of a holiday let Village...this is how I pictured myself....a Red Half Door...sash windows and chickens picking and scratching around that front door....!!!!!!
I won’t say anything just yet (don’t want to tempt fate) about the house we have found....if it works’ll work out..!! If not...then it’s not meant for us...!!!

23rd. ..24th quotes

The Work Will Only Get Done In The Doing Of It...

Be At Peace WithWho You Are....

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