Corfu Town

We got the local bus into Corfu Town today.

After yesterday's bus debacle, today seemed to be going little better.  CyclopsJnr got travelsick for the first time in his life.  Fortunately we had a waterproof poly bag he could be sick in, but we were sat right behind the driver who got the full sound effects and seemed determined to get us off the bus before our intended destination in spite of there being no mess and CyclopsJnr immediately feeling better.  When we did get off, Cyclops' seatbelt (worn in accordance with very clear signage) wouldn't undo.  The driver kept asking "why you put it on" (all the while under a sign saying seatbelts must be worn) and eventually released Cyclops by cutting through the belt with a pair of scissors.  He was not happy.

Once we arrived we meandered through the old town to the "Old Fort" which we looked around.  CyclopsJnr found a cat to befriend, and we poked around old fortifications, enjoyed the views over the harbour, and went up the hill to the lighthouse to get the view over the rest of the fort and the town.  It was baking hot (35 degrees) so we were glad to get back into town and go to the Liston for some lunch at a table in front of a giant fan.

We wandered around town a little more afterwards, and CyclopsJnr bought some souvenirs with his holiday pocket money.

Our return bus journey was, after three different debacles, completely smooth.  They say these things come in threes...

We were delighted to get into a swimming pool to cool down a little before a delicious Mediterranean themed dinner on the Grill Deck beside the sea.  

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