Sitting In The Sun

Lucky Him - every time I stepped outside it seemed to rain.

I arrived at The Larder and never even got a foot in the door .... all my crates arrived by the time I got the tailgate open. I noticed that there was an extra bag of meals for one of the recipients and queried if is was mis-named as there was a new name on the list ..... No, that was taken care of and the extra bag was whipped away in a flash.
I has arrived, loaded and was on the road in the blink of an eye!
The new recipient was the 2nd last drop off and what a nightmare that was. Once again we found that the Council have put house addresses in streets with a completely different name. During out search for the house I found a postie. He didn't have a clue (it was only his 2nd day on the route) and was as confused as us. I then found a private hire taxi waiting on a fare. He has recently moved into the street where we thought we were. His sat-nav (on his phone) said we were under 50yds from the address and pointed to a house in the street were were in .... which was not where we were looking for.
It turns out that when you turn off the main road the first 50 yards is the street we were looking for then at the junction our street split and ran both left and right and the continuation of the 'crossroads' takes on the name of the 'other' street where the taxi driver stays. There are no street names when you turn off the main road only at the 'crossroads'.
Are you confused yet?
To make it worse, there was no reply at the house I (think) I was looking for. I had to leave the meals on the doorstep and hope he gets them.
When we got back to the office I explained it (I think) to the boss. She was confused too. 

As we were leaving The Larder SWMBO spotted some rather large mushrooms. As I didn't have a camera with me (I must be unwell) so we just had to continue home for a coffee.
After that I picked up the camera and went back to get a picture of the mushrooms. As you can see somebody got there before me. I am not sure if this was her model or some random stranger.

I stopped on the way home and had a wander along what used to be the main road. Although I took some pictures of bark I was actually looking to see if the pair of boots that used to hang in one of the trees (years ago) were still there. I walked the entire length of the road ... nothing. But I did find them ..... well hidden ..... on the way back. They used to be black but nature has changed them a bit.

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