Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Not a sunset

Its been another scorcher of day!! Saw the tide coming in ever so slowly on the Solway this morning and Bonnie got a paddle! There were also a few fishermen around and the first haaf netter I've seen of the season. I must blip somebody with a haaf net during the summer as I'll bet a lot of people won't know what it is!!

I unexpectedly had to go to the Lakes this evening for work and afterwards I took Bonnie to Bassenthwaite and yes she got another paddle and I got a few shots of the lake and Skiddaw. I was hoping to catch the sunset when I got home but boo hoo I was 5 minutes too late. I am soo very gutted as it was a big bright red ball and I so wish I'd stopped off enroute now, I am really kicking myself big time.

This blooming keyboard on the laptop is driving me nuts, argh!! The letter "a" is problem. I have to press hard to get it to work! I've cleaned underneath the key and earlier today I prised the letter off for a looksee and blew some dust away but its still a problem, any ideas anybody?

The customer I saw this evening said she saw one of my Crummock Water reflections photos on the tv tonight:)

Feeling very tired so may not get around to everybody tonight but will catch up tomorrow.

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