Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Aerial display

The good weather continues, woo hoo.... although I think we may be in for a drop of rain later if the black clouds are anything to go by. Update, it is now raining! Whilst on the marsh earlier I saw these birds flying around and spent a while watching their antics.

Thank you so much for your comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's reflections blip! I really do appreciate it all, Bonnie too! Ooh, talking of Bonnie, she had a bit of a mishap last night down on the marsh. I'd gone to a different part to try and capture the sun going down over water. There are gullies which are usually easy to step over and I always wait for her and point at the easiest way to cross but last night she ignored me and didn't see the gap and went straight down into the sludge and bog, yuk. I managed to coax her to walk onto the beachy bit but then before I could jump down she turned around and walked back to the gully and sludge! Enough was enough and I jumped down into the gully and managed to lift her out, don't know how I managed it. It was a bit of a struggle to get myself out and just as I did a couple of guys who'd spotted what was going on arrived to help, just a little too late, but was so kind of them! Phew! Bonnie was fine but very smelly, so was I. So at 10pm last night I was bathing her in the garden. Never a dull moment. By this time the sun had gone!

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