Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

EB again

No commitments today, hooray, and did I make the best of today? w e l l......
I started badly with a poor nights sleep, having said that though, I did clear out the biscuit and bottle cupboard at 2am! Pickle was unimpressed.
When I finally got up after my disturbed night, I went down to the post office to return something to Amazon. When I got back I took one look at Ali's car and decided it was absolutely filthy. It's 16 years old and used to belong to me.
We've done a swap for a while as her husband is a new driver, my polo being only 10 years old is a little closer to the car he learned in. Hopefully he'll gain confidence and we'll be able to swap back. Anyway, the upshot was that I decided to wash the car.
One of the main triggers being the trail of poo from an albatross with an upset stomach which had decided to bomb the car when I was in Musselburgh yesterday. I spent two hours washing the car down and hosing the muck of ages out of places I didn't even know existed. Having completed it though, I must say it looks good. The body work is not good on the car (although the engine is great) so I couldn't trust it in any sort of commercial car wash which means unless we clean it, dirty it shall remain. It's not helped by the fact that Ali has to park it under a sycamore so it gets sticky deposits from that too. Ah well, a very satisfying result.
I spent the afternoon reading my book and doing online sudoku and similar puzzles on the Telegraph website - I got a year's free subscription and am quite enjoying it. Wordle in three today too.
I was heading for a bath and early bed tonight to recover and just realised in time that I had taken no pictures. The resultant blipped puzzle is something I picked up recently for Josie. I've not seen one like it before, I wonder what she'll make of it. I thought Farmer Goat looked particularly fetching.
Thanks for dropping into my chaotic day -This blip feels very disjointed!

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