
A rainy start to the day which quickly progressed into a dull low cloud / misty day. I headed off to Exmouth after lunch to pick up some food items and took the opportunity to have a quick wander around the estuary mouth. Visibility was pretty poor as you can see in the blip.

I returned home and spotted my daughter and family heading to a nearby playground. I decided to pick some more courgettes and ended up with lots including a few marrows. They are certainly growing well. I was going to leave the raspberries for our grandson to pick but it started to rain so l quickly picked them. They arrived back a little later all rather wet. The new playground was worth the visit though.

This evening we were babysitting as my daughter and son in law were visiting friends in Sidmouth. Our oldest grandson was in bed asleep before they left but the youngest woke up for more milk as they were leaving. He took some time to get back to sleep but made it eventually.

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