Hello fridge, meet a cleaning product


Part of the planning for the holiday involved a complex system of neighbourly rotation to feed the cats. Mrs. Ottawacker had colour-coded charts on the fridge. This all seemed great, until we remembered we had some friends from Switzerland coming to stay for 10 days at the beginning of the trip, and that while the colour-coded charts might be a welcome addition to decoration, in no way could they be deemed as sufficient to prevent them opening the fridge. 

So for the first time in possibly a decade, we emptied the fridge and the freezer, scrubbed it down, sanitized, threw out anything was remotely close to an upcoming sell-by date, and then closed the fridge door again. The sense of achievement was palpable. 

This was, of course, a latent form of racism. Had the guests not been Swiss, we'd have just opened the door and let the cats eat whatever they wanted.

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