

My Dad's pacemaker check went well. He was a little bit late due to transport but it didn't matter. It was a much easier procedure than I expected - just a quick scan over where the device is, then read the data on a screen - all is working well and it has not been used much. So far, so good. The long wait for transport afterwards was a bit of a pain, especially for my Dad - he said the hospital wheelchair was very uncomfortable. 

I'm not allowed to travel in the hospital's patient transport ambulance so I walked up to the home afterwards. I didn't mind - it was sunny and I had my earbuds and phone. It gave me Fitbit steps too! By the time I got there my Dad was having a nap in a reclining chair. He woke up when I got there and I hung around until after tea-time then walked home. 

I was making Veggie "fish" for my tea. I'd forgotten to buy ale to make the batter and went to the Co-op, grabbing the "pocket key" as I left the house - or so I thought! The pocket key is just a front doorkey that we grab if we are just nipping out quickly and don't need all the keys. It shares a hook with another key that is possibly for an old workplace of mine, but who knows...? Somehow Brian had accidentally swapped the the two keys around and I didn't look when I grabbed it.

When I returned home I stared in disbelief at the Mystery Key in my hand. Bri had gone to his Mum's and would be a while. Rather than hang around the street I thought I would walk to Brian's Mum's. As I walked it occurred to me that Bri may have left there to get his Blip or buy his tea before I got there and I could miss him, meaning a long walk all the way back again. So just short of half-way I cut my losses and came back to hang around the streets again.

You see some sights hanging round our street in the evening. A mum and her mid-teen twin boys walking along pretending to be Oompa Lumpas, but taking it very seriously, a group of squabbling addicts and a neighbour dumping a broken suitcase full of what looked like perfectly good clothes she'd tired of by the car-park in broad daylight, followed by a various people rummaging through it!

I was glad when Brian came home!


After all the extra walking I did the past two days I had a lazy morning just pottering at home. I'd planned to wash the bedding but Minstrel was sleeping on it so that had to wait. (Brian has Blipped him today for Black Cat Appreciation Day!)

Later, after finally putting the wash-load on I went to town, had lunch in Caffe Nero then walked the long way to the local Tesco to pick up a few things. This route accidentally took me past the West Common, but at least the detour got me a Blip!

Home and I made the Vegan "fish" I didn't have time to make last night along with an apple crumble with some apples I picked from my Dad's trees. Next time I go to the bungalow I'll get some more and some of his GF flour and make a little crumble for him - I'm sure they will be able to warm it up at the home!

I'm ready for a rest now!

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