Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Sports Day

In which I learned that Ben has a nervous tic just before a race when he fiddles with his watch. He was brilliant, he lost his first race and I could see the bitter disappointment on his face but he picked himself up and won the relay. I genuinely have no idea where he got his resilience and his competitiveness from.

In other news, work was dull, the weather is still gorgeous and Marc has built bits of wall in the kitchen which are very exciting. Oh, and we have no wireless internet connection, and the kids are appalled, it's really very funny.

(I'm using my phone as an wireless hotspot, in case you were wondering. It's making the kids even crosser....)

p.s. I have taken much better photos of actual running but they all have other children in so I can't really blip them.

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