The fairies are stringing up lights

It's a dark and gloomy day, but I think the fairies might be preparing for a party tonight. It's a new moon, so they need to string lights for their gala.

My friend received a photo this morning taken about 3.5 miles from her new apartment. It looks like her nearly 3 week lost indoor cat, Alfie. Our cat trapper friend is bringing traps and cameras so they can set things up this evening. We have some hope, fingers crossed. See the photo in the extra.

For the Record,
This day came in gloomy and dark with sprinkles of rain. I'm going to a Historical Society program tonight about the Hanover boys who heeded President Lincoln's call and volunteered for the Union Army in our Civil War, 1861- 1865. My great Grandfather, Lewis Josselyn, born in 1842, was one of those who fought and lived to tell his tales until he was 101 and a half. We have a transcript of his war diary and there are surviving letters owned by collectors.The letters and his uniform were sold at an auction when the granddaughter owned them died.  A painting I did of Lewis in the extra.

Lewis was the oldest surviving Union soldier in our county, dying in 1944. He fathered 12 children with two wives, surviving both. His last child, my grandfather's youngest brother. Russell was born in 1915 when his father was 73, another son was killed in WWI. My dad and his cousins were fighting in WWII when Lewis died. Russell died in 2001 at 86. His obituary noted that he belonged to a fraternal organization, The Sons Of Union Soldiers...unbelievable in 2001.

All hands happy.

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