Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

On the road again

The top 2 pictures are from the final part of the highway 40 that we did. I think we were seeing wild horses along the way which was so nice. I didn't take any pictures of them honestly I have no idea why I didn't I was too busy appreciating seeing the horses all along the way a lot of mares with foals. We aired up then headed for Jasper. It was cloudy with showers which made the mountains look so much more dramatic in fact it looked amazing! It was a really nice drive to Jasper. We left the dogs in the truck and had a late lunch early dinner. Followed by a bit of shopping. We looked at the forecast for where we had thought about camping for the night and it said rain. We decided to coffee up and push the final 4.5hours home. Knowing that we will be back to explore Jasper and surrounding area at another point. 

 "People tell you the world looks a certain way. Parents tell you how to think. Schools tell you how to think. TV. Religion. And then at a certain point, if you're lucky, you realize you can make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life."
— Carrie Ann Moss

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