Helsingør (Elsinore)

It is remarkable when a place has its own, different name in a foreign language, like here in Hamlet’s city. Helsingør is an old Hanse town (like Hamburg, Bremen, London, or GdaƄsk for example).

The main picture shows the memorial for Mads Holm, the founder of the Helsingør Steamboat Company. The frame contains some typical features of the region: the ships’ masts, with flags, the appearance of porpoises in the Sund, the prevailing brick architecture, and the lively weather with scattered clouds in front of the blue sky.

The first extra shows Kronborg Castle which sits at the narrowest point of the Øresund, marking the confluence of Kattegat and Baltic Sea.

The second extra is taken in the cloister of Skt. Annae Abbey, the last picture is a detail of a 15th century wall painting in the once library and music hall.

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