Red Sky In The Morning......Take a Raincoat!

This greeted us at 7 AM. Our usual Wednesday activity was cancelled at 8 Cos the weather bloke was muttering badly but by 10 am The Boss took his heavy raincoat and left me behind as water is not good for my sensitive fur. It was wonderfully fine and he walked Oriental Bay turning to continue the Bay walk and turning up Mt Vic at Balaena Bay and then it started. Just a bit at first but it soon got the idea and luckily The Bossess was not home to see his arrival. Our Apartment has a cupboard with the hot water cylinder in it where his jeans now reside and the Lego Landrover has its front grill and headlights. but is not even half way finished. It's the most complex kit yet...Wonderful fun. It will have working suspension and steering too...... (Extra)

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