Tiny Tuesday: "Twosome/Twins"

I spent some time this afternoon with Son#2 at Gosforth Nature Reserve. This provided a suitable opportunity for me to get my blip for MaryElizaR's TT challenge of "Twosome/Twins...two of the same", as these two pondskaters obligingly fitted themselves into one camera frame for a few seconds. The one on the right had just produced some ripples as you can see.

We were also lucky to see a Kingfisher which hung around not far from one of the hides for a while. The light wasn't too good (it was raining quite a lot of the time) and it was rather far away so even using my longest lens I've had to crop my photos a fair bit, but I was quite pleased to catch a few shots of the Kingsfisher in flight as it took off from a post - there's one in the extra

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