
Another full day.

Out on the bike in the Midlothian countryside for a couple of hours, getting back in time for the midday screening of Kokomo City at The Cameo. Then into town to meet up with our girls and have a family lunch out at Chez Jules. 

They all came home afterward but I went and popped into the Grayson Perry exhibition to see the one room that I'd missed last time I was there - that's the beauty of having a gallery membership, am more than likely to go and see the whole thing again before it finishes too. 

And just as I was walking home from town I was made aware of a screening of Pretty Red Dress at The Cameo at teatime - free for Picturehouse members (I have an annual one of those too, really quite bargainous to be honest) - so it just seemed rude not to go out again as soon as I'd got in, and return to the flicks  for my second visit of the day.

Linocut printing and record listening when I got home for good. Now there's a book to be read and a glass of red to be drunk to finish the evening off. That'll do I reckon.


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