
After a lazy morning it was off into town for some Punjabi street food (hello sea bass pakora wrap!) and to be in the audience for a live recording of Nihal Arthanayake's 5Live show down at Dynamic Earth. A pretty nice way to spend an afternoon and a decent range of guests, one of whom was Paul Foot whose show I've been wanting to catch anyway.

After a coffee and cake stop at Soderberg on Middle Meadow Walk it was just a hop, skip and a Fringe jump to George Square to buy some tickets for the aforementioned Mr. Foot next week and grab a pint in the sun whilst we took stock and planned the evening ahead.

A couple of pay-what-you-want comedy shows soon followed, both of which I really enjoyed. First up, Markus Birdman at The Liquid Rooms. Secondly, Glenn Wool upstairs at The Beehive.

Finished the evening off sharing a takeout pizza on a bench looking up at the floodlit castle, before catching the bus home. That's just how we, erm, roll.

Tomorrow? We'll see.

On Today's Playlist

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