Wilderness to urban wild flower meadow

Earlier in the year there was a sign in the ground on a piece of wasteland next to an office building that I see on my walks to and from the gym. It announced that anyone passing by should take care not to walk on an area that had been sown with wild flower seeds. The beautiful display there now shows that we have all behaved very well, and this is our reward.

It's been another day running on empty. My Garmin tells me that I fell asleep last night at 02:30 (after I decamped to the spare room), and that I managed just over four hours of sleep. 

Nevertheless, I have had a full, and fulfilling, day. I even achieved one of my 'When I retire' goals to catch up on major television series that I missed when I was working. I put on the first episode of Downton Abbey while I was on the exercise bike this morning, and I am already hooked. 

I also did the Monday morning supermarket run with my shopping trolley, booked tickets for Abba Voyage in London in November, went to the gym, agreed to give a work-related talk next month, offered to help organise an evening social event for my colleagues on campus the evening before we head to London to see the Abbatars, started to review a chunk of Marina's draft PhD thesis, and made a delicious pasta bake for supper. Next on the agenda are Monday night's quizzes.

Oh, and Mr hazelh has almost recovered from his recent chickpea poisoning episode.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; swim (60 lengths); walking (13,342 steps).

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