Missy EB

Thank you for all the lovely support you've shown Sara the Wellness Walks Volunteer yesterday - I've checked, and she's happy for me to tell you -, you made her cry but in a good way. When life's knocked you down in to the dark it's easy to forget that there are shining stars still there, to lose your faith in the inherent good of most people, it can be a life changing moment when you learn the truth of that again.

I was supposed to be running a course all weekend, but awoke to two last minute cancellations, on top of the one received at the start of the week. The course has a minimum mandated attendance of two, so it meant course cancelled. Tough on the one remaining participant. 
I know it's a risk with the particular community our events are aimed at, but it's one I'm not easily finding a solution to. We've looked at waiting lists and oversubscribing (we do both), if we charge a returnable nominal amount (deposit) it actually costs us in transaction fees. Currently I'm thinking of a mandatory donation? Non returnable. The research suggests even a minor fee exponentially increased attendance motivation, but equally it might breach some of our Funders rules and might be unattainable for some folks. Hmmm.

Still an unexpected free day - so lots of always procrastinated tasks done as the weather was vile. 

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