Wellness Walks: Acts of Kindness

A small group today, all people who've walked with us before, but a new combination. It could be fraught, but I tend to find that people who've suffered themselves often know how to listen, often know when to fall silent. The people who walk out of the dark often do so with more empathy and an ability to connect with others.

I'm not sure where I'll stand with Blip's rules with what comes next, but here goes... 

"it's the little acts of kindness that slowly change the world"

One of our Wellness Walks volunteers, someone who has survived her own terrible times, walked away from abuse, someone who's now giving a lot of her time & energy to try and help others, told me this week how her dream of independence, how a LOT of hard work, her hope for a better future , had reached the end of the road. All for a sum of money both tiny and yet unattainable.
Its an immensely brave thing to ask for help, it's a surprisingly easy thing for many to give a little and change a life. If you can, please do:
Sara's story

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