Hello Lovely Blippers,

On this day, known as the Glorious Twelfth, and it would have been glorious if we had been at Leightons, the Opticians that Mr. & Mrs HCB go to, because we understand there will be lots of good things going on there today, something to do with glasses and when Kate invited us, she said there would be CAKE and lots of other goodies too!

However, both the HCBs thought it would be best if they avoided places where there are lots of people because of her going in to have a back operation on Monday.  We were so looking forward to it and we know they were too, but perhaps it is for the best.  She didn’t go to Church last week and won’t be going again this week, for the same reason, so yesterday Mr. HCB was despatched to get some cakes for us, so that we wouldn’t be too disappointed.

Well, you would think he could count at his age, wouldn’t you - but - and this is silly - he brought back 16 cakes and there are 24 of us - so what was he thinking?  We were quite unhappy as was Mrs. HCB so this morning, he was sent out again to get some more and came back with another 10.  That means that there are now 26, which means that someone will have to eat 2 cakes - no, wait a minute, the ones he brought back this morning were Thorntons Caramel Shortcake Bites, so Mrs. HCB is sure to get her mitts on those, unless we get there first!  We think all this malarkey would make dear Admirer giggle.

I’m sure you will understand how upset we were to miss the “Knees Up” or whatever it was at Leightons, but the HCBs have been very kind and we enjoyed our Cake picnic in their garden and we hope that all goes well at Leightons.  We will be sure to send this photograph to Kate so that she can show the Team.  

Hope you all have a great weekend and don’t forget, Be Kind and eat lots of cake or perhaps even take a cake to someone and eat it with them - but if there’s chocolate on them, don’t visit Mrs. HCB - she will snaffle them!

Love from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  It's a good job we had our Cake Picnic early, because it is raining hard now -   at least that's not silly!

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