I wanted to go for a wander around the garden last night in the cool of the evening, so hanging on to Mr. HCB’s arm for grim death, taking hold of Mr. HCB’s arm, I let him lead me - and what a joy it was to see all the flowers that I hadn’t seen for a while.  

Some were hidden by other plants and others were just peeping through and showing their true colours.  Mr. HCB has worked very hard out there this year, growing many of the plans from seed, and on his own too, because, of course, I haven’t been able to do much.  It made me realise how much I miss being out there working with him.  

I made a collage last night, but of course, being true to the Blip ethos, knew that I couldn’t use it for today!  So, before I had my shower, I went for a wander again this morning, but felt I wanted to do it on my own.  I was very careful and was glad that our garden isn’t overlooked, as I wasn’t even wearing my bright pink robe, but just my nightdress, which as you might guess is purple!  So this collage was made from photographs all taken today.  

I got back in to find a message from Leonie, a friend in Australia, who follows my Blips every day, asking if I was ready and wearing my evening gown and tiara?  I had to confess that I was still in my nightdress, but I did put some lippy on and brushed my hair before her video call came through. It was our first time of “meeting” online, although we have been corresponding for sometime - so goodness knows what she thought of her English friend just wearing a nightdress!  Anyway, we had a lovely chat and it was great.  The wonders of modern technology do amaze me and we chatted for 50 minutes and then I rang her back for a further 10 minutes just to make sure it worked both ways!

The extra shot is made with an app called Phinish, which a Blip friend, MumOf4Wildlings, had used a while ago but Mr. HCB thought that it looked “too busy” so it is relegated to an extra instead of being my main shot.  The second extra, however, the mosaic, made using an app called Pro Mosaic, is dedicated to Deanna, Amanda_T’s Mum who died last year, and who loved passionflowers.  

We are so glad that we have left our grass unmown all through the summertime - the bees and butterflies are obviously glad too - they were buzzing all around me whilst I was out there - fortunately, I didn’t get strung, but Mr. HCB pulled up a small nettle whilst weeding and says he is still suffering.

I was looking for a Bible verse about gardens and rather liked the verses in this passage about firm muscles and strong bones and I think I can do a “gurgling spring”!

“If you are generous with the hungry
     and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out,
          your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,
               your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.
I will always show you where to go;
     I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places -
          firm muscles, strong bones.
You’ll be like a well-watered garden,
     a gurgling spring that never runs dry.”
Isaiah 58 : 10-11
The Message

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