Dragon surprise

I stepped onto the balcony whilst D was out bringing in supplies midst irksome paragraph to notice some small reddish and grey birds flitting round and even hovering. Of course with only 6 feet to move they had mostly flitted off by the time the camera was there and I had one very blurred image. However I noticed some ruddy darters on the Jerusalem Artichoke stalks which I haven't chopped, fitted the macro lens and went outside where Pushkin largely ignored me. As luck would have it the two red darters were obsessing with the tops of two stalks which were just far enough over the fence to be uncharitable to my attire and I was left with too many shots to choose from. There was a large dark green shimmering hoverer which I haven't seen before too, but I'll go for this one, there was too much under-body shadow. The blue sky is thrown in as an extra on this one.

D returned with a non-supermarket chicken, which I roasted with a blend of lemon, ginger, chilli, cumin and of course garlic not forgetting olive oil and white wine. Nobody complained.

I'm sorry if I'm not commenting much at the moment, I'm a bit preoccupied with stuff that has to be dealt with.

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