Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Flying frogs!

I updated all but my iMac yesterday to the Apple Beta software versions. Watch OS10 has some very neat features. One of which is mental well-being, with check in options, but it also detects how many minutes of sunlight one has had. Today I got 141! I wanted to test it out, but also on the walk with J & B yesterday I spotted (and J screamed at) a beautiful demoiselle. I thought I'd go and see if I could find it today. It wasn't at the usual spot and as I was looking around I spotted the white feather fluttering in the tree. I do think these are signs from our loved ones, and this feather was followed by a migrant hawker so I followed that along the stream and to the Medieval Fishponds and here which Mr T used to walk to, and at weekends we both did. When he couldn't walk there and the ponds were in the local news, barried off due to yet more house building we had always planned to see what they had done. I think he asked me to go today and tell him about it, and guess what? Albeit on the other side of the stream the demoiselle was there. 

On the way back as I was describing it to him, mulling it over in the form of a poem. I saw a bench under a shady willow tree tree so I sat there a while as Mr T would have been grateful for it.

Back home, had a good natter with Madame Chocolat, and she will attest to the level of chaos and random screams as frogs were being flung over the fence. Baby frogs from Jo's garden as Pete was cutting the grass. Some made it into my hands, others needed rescuing from the paving, and this one in the rush ended up near the waterlily. Mum would probably have blipped the lily for flower Friday, so this is in her honour, and Mr T's memory. See extras.

This morning I had a first Public Advisory Group meeting with the Bristol Biomedical Research Centre for surgery and orthopaedic innovation. Very interesting! I did my guitar practise this evening and watching MI:2. Mr T loved this series of films. 

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