Long shadows
Out walking at 7.30 this morning to beat the heat. And even then we were warm without the sun shining on us much.
A washing load dried fairly quickly today.
I sat in the garden for a while in the morning. I heard a sparrowhawk squealing and the staccato call of a woodpecker. The John Grisham is gripping.
Anna cycled across town, a 50 minute journey with a 3-speed bike. I've cycled to her house in 40 and does depend on traffic volume which obstruct roads without cycle lanes and make cycling tricky.
We sat in the garden which was pleasant. As we headed to the end of the garden a young fox crossed in front of us. We also spotted and heard a couple of sparrowhawks wheeling and squealing overhead. A juvenile fox was discernible through the hedge in next door's garden. It was a lovely afternoon.
Anna loaned me a couple of books. She is very organized with her book reading noting books read and even a grade for enjoyment on a spreadsheet. I use a notebook and pen to note titles and brief impressions. It helps our recall.
Still too warm to walk the hound. Usually he'd be going bonkers, desperate for an outing but he's stretched out on his bed keeping cool. He can be sensible sometimes.
Pleasant evening everyone, stay cool.
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