Sun out, day out

Wednesday so it started with BP.  I was intending on calling into see MIL as I had made her a shepherd's pie yesterday but forgot to take it with me!  OH 'headed me off at the pass' leaving me a message saying to delay calling in as she had another 'accident' and was waiting for carers to go in.  I think you have to really love someone or be paid well to deal with accidents in the elderly.  It is totally ok with babies and an acceptable part of the journey but the elderly - I think the carers need a medal.  Very true what they say about becoming childlike in old age.  Very sad.

JC was working from home and No.1 was feeling ok (still tired but ok) so we decided on a trip out.  OH suggested Scotney Castle which was lovely (apart from the lack of cakes and HUGE amount of wasps around the restaurant).  We walked and sat in the sunshine and OH managed well but was quiet.  Home for a sleep while OH prepped dinner and JC went out for a run before dinner.  Lovely to see the sun for a change and a removal of the hose pipe ban which makes watering the tomatoes so much easier.

Another day done.

BIL was back to hospital for removal of stent - but returns home with a catheter again.  L said he has gone from fit, athletic person who can cycle 100 miles to old man in 6 weeks.  Wishing him well in his recovery.

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