Aug 9

The water was rushing thru this brook this afternoon. So I decided to do a couple of long exposure shots of it.
The rain started early this morning. When I got up at 6 am and checked the radar, it showed the rain moving out of this area around 8 am. The rain was to continue to the north for a few more hours. I decided that we would work and start a half hour later than normal. A had an interesting drive to work. First there was an accident on the road where he lives so he had to wait till that was cleared up. Then the heavy rain continued to fall while he was driving until he reached the outskirts of HRM.
I have to give some serious thought to hiring someone who can work thru the fall. Otherwise there will only be 3 of us working in Sept plus a couple of people part time.
Sunshine in the forecast for tomorrow, then more rain for Friday, so we will push thru and get as many jobs done as possible tomorrow.

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