Crepe Myrtle

I slept in a bit this morning. Hubby went to pick up meds and a few groceries. I cleaned the kitchen and then took a walk outside. Decided this crepe myrtle looks good against our beautiful blue sky today. Kristen asked if I’d make up a health care kit for Skylar to take to college. Pinterest has a comprehensive list that I used as a model. Sky should be all set in that department. We’ll have to find a useful container to store everything. Her freshmen dorm has no air conditioning so we bought her a good floor fan and an air fryer as graduation gifts. I prefer practical stuff. My bags are packed for Kim’s. Hubby caught up on “paperwork” and a few outside jobs. River is coming for a visit tomorrow. I’ll head to Kim’s when he leaves. Dinner is made; we are free for the evening. Hope your day was enjoyable. Thanks for stopping by. Be safe. "The blossoms are scattering off the crepe myrtles every time the wind blows, falling like hot pink confetti." - Gin Phillips

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