
A sunshine and blue sky day today which started in the west but ended in the east. A steady start including trying to keep track of Bailey whose impaired vision should mean that he can't get far but who actually managed to get up to the top garden to find Dad who was cutting the grass. We're not quite sure exactly how he managed that...

And then plans changed with a call from the garage. An understanding of what the problem is, a 5 or 6 day delivery time on a part but the go ahead to drive the car home meant that we set off after lunch and have booked the car in to the dealership first thing tomorrow morning for them to tell me what I already know is the problem. The interesting part will be the cost and how far 'goodwill' goes. I've been advised not to let anyone 'lift my leg' which I've never heard before but will be wary of when it comes to being given a price. 

So, Bailey and I headed east after lunch with one warning light on on the first leg and two on the second but the reassurance that what had been described was what I experienced. Not a bad journey time wise, in fact the only real hold-up was in the last mile but we did get round the last roundabout eventually. 

A walk for Bailey once the car was unpacked and then a supermarket trip, sorting bags, putting on washes and appreciating everything that has bloomed whilst I have been away. The dahlias are impressive but so is the eryngium which was grown from seed by Dad and really didn't look like it would ever get to this stage. And there's a link to our Anglesey holiday as I got a hankering for this little eryngium last time we were there. 

Didn't realise there was a visitor on the Cafe au Last dahlia until I posted my blip. A shame it wasn't showing its wings but still lovely to spot. 

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