Tripping the Light Fantastic into the Briny

It was a gloriously high tide at the beach this morning as Daughter#1 and I  danced into the waves. We seemed to be the only people in the water until the arrival of 3 young men who went in as we came out. The sun shone on us as we swam and jumped the waves. Handstands were de rigour before we called it a day after 30 minutes and it felt it warm enough to roam about the beach in our cozzies taking photographs. I think that must be a first.

The #26bus home arrived quickly but was rammed with people- no room left on the upstairs deck and I think we got the last 2 seats downstairs. You can imagine what is was liked as it made its way into town picking up more and more people as it went. The bus emptied dramatically as we got to the east end of Princes Street. The powers that be have cut the no of buses going through Porty with the result that #26 bus is the only one going straight into town and will probably always be busy from now on.

It’s lovely to sit on the patio in the sun and shortly, if I can be bothered getting up, with  a glass of the wine left behind by daughter#3. The ironing can wait.

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