Pennies from Heaven

An extra unanticipated concert in Queens Park, Loughborough, today, The New Orleans Hot Shot Jazz Band entertained a sizeable crowd, And the rain held off. Currently the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Pennies from Heaven was the number the band was playing when I took this photo. The flowers in the park were looking gorgeous. I even saw a honeybee (I think) on an Echinacea. See extra..

I've also included a photo of one of the borders. Somebody has really thought out colour combinations.

By lunch time, we were feeling distinctly chilly to the extent that I put on another jumper which I took off as soon as I got to the park.

Liz and Andy came upon us and had a chat. They'd been to the café.

Jacquie passed by. We hadn't realise that she and Brian were sitting in front of us. So we had a long chat with them. It's been quite a while since I've seen them.

We all finally packed up our chairs and left, as a few spots of wet stuff fell. nothing much to speak of.

Back home, the bees are still visiting the toadflax. There was a variety different from the white tailed bumblebees. I think it was a Carder. There must be a colony of white tailed bumblebees close by.

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