POG's Journal


Guess what I had for dinner yesterday.

Hello Everyone,

Well, it’s not been a bad week… I rode the bike on the Turbo Trainers 6 times and clocked up 30 miles, and managed to pedal over 100 RPM for a few seconds… So early indications are that I might be able to ride the bike how I would like to.

For the uninitiated you clamp your bike to the turbo trainers, so no balance is involved, resistance is applied to the back wheel, and you just pedal away but get nowhere…

So, my masterplan is that next week I will ride my track bike on the rollers, which is another form of static trainer, but you must balance yourself otherwise you fall off. I think this is the next logical step to ensure my balance is okay before heading out on the road. The rollers are quite hard going so I will most likely do alternating days with the Turbos, 

The new team clothing is on route from Italy, I hope the swelling on my tummy goes soon otherwise it won’t fit me. The scar on my tummy is nearly 100% healed and I have been massaging it to ensure there is no build up of scar tissue. I did the same with my hip scar and that is very smooth and no tightness.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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