POG's Journal


Do you have a personal filter...

Hello Everyone,

Here is a pot of green paint… what shade of green you cannot see at the photo is black and white…

I was thinking that with everything in our life that we see or hear we add out personal filter and interpret the results through that… Some people have a hate the government filter and even if the member of the cabinet says something that makes a lot of sense the filter comes down and bingo what was said is all rubbish.

Some don’t like holidaying abroad and with the filter no matter how many photos or stories they hear of golden beaches they will not change their position.

So, back to the pot of green paint… When the filter comes down you may make the statement, I don’t like green paint and if the photo was is colour the thought would be same, however suppose you like light green rather than dark green… being a black and white how does allow you to imagine it is light green.

I am trying to see my world without those predefined filters and use my imagination to paint the world with colours I like.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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