
Thankful that David urged me not to wait till morning but to get straight back up to Glossop after work on Friday so that I could enjoy, what has become of late, my usual chilled Saturday morning with Mom and Dad. We watch my favourite programme together, Saturday Kitchen, and enjoy Dad’s cooked breakfasts. And we did just that.
Thankful that I got myself up and ready to do Park Run but narrowly missed the start time and opted for a lovely quiet run up the hills instead.
Thankful for my gospel playlist which stirred me to praise as I ran, singing some of the anthems of the difficult season we’ve been in.

Promises by Maverick City Music
Thanksgiving by Gas Street Music

Thankful for the peace and joy that God dropped back into my heart as I praised.
Thankful for the wonder and the clear, visual reminder of a verse I’ve been carrying and aspiring to over the season but particularly in recent weeks.

‘You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.’
Isaiah 55 v 12

Thankful for the privilege of another day spent with Mom & Dad in their lovely home which they share so happily with me whenever I want.
I had no idea that our Heavenly Father was going to call my beautiful Mom home and out of all her brave suffering the very next day, but I’m so thankful for all I can now see that He did throughout this week to prepare me. I pray even more fervently that I will go out in joy and be led forth in peace everyday ahead of me and I am convinced that on Sunday 30th July, Mom did this the other way round… She went out in peace and will be led forth in joy… 10,000 years and then forever more. And I shall look forward to the day when I throw my arms around her again, health restored, wounds healed.

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