
My friend Ragnar here (I’m guessing) hung out most of the day in my bird bath. I was worried he (I’m guessing) was dying. Birds shouldn’t hang out in one place that long and shouldn’t let humans get that close, but not quite to the point of letting me put him in a box and take him to a rehab center.  He did let me bring a Cheeto and a yolk all the way to the bird bath without leaving. He got up and walked to the Cheeto and yolk and has flown some short distances. Looking at the pictures tonight I think he has avian pox which has a very, very low death rate. It is common in birds. Ragnar will probably be fine. I’ve gone out and tipped over the bird bath so no one can sit in it tomorrow. The internet suggests not feeding birds for a bit so they don’t infect each other, but these guys hang around each other all the time so I don’t think that will make a difference. 

There has been a new attack on the bridge linking Russia to Crimea. Russian officials say a Ukrainian drone attacked a Russian tanker near the bridge. The Wall Street Journal said it disabled the road part of the bridge. 

A Ukrainian naval drone seriously damaged a Russian warship. 

Lithuania will revoke residency permits of >1,000 Belarusian and Russian citizens.

There are Ukrainian women striking up fake virtual relationships with Russian soldiers to trick them into giving away information that helps the Ukrainian military. 

In Winnipeg, Canada there is a restaurant that normally closes on Mondays and Tuesdays. Now the owner lends it, for free, to a Ukrainian couple to cook and sell Ukrainian food. 

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