
I knew a friend was going to have a bad day - and she did - so I bought her flowers. The floral company is owned by son and mom and when I said why she was going to have a bad day the mom went to the flowers and adjusted them. I think she added the purple flower to the front and told me, “women love purple.” 

I successfully got them all the way to her home without dropping or spilling or breaking anything. Yay me!

The curator suggested a name for the show. I shared it with some people tonight (intended audience) and they love it. 

One suggested she would get some other trans folks together and we could do a shoot over Labor Day - which I’d been thinking too. She lives 4 hours away, not including charging. 

This could happen. 

The UK donated 32 howitzers that can shoot 20 miles away. It is better than anything they had in they arsenal. Most howitzers use a human to load severely heavy shells (think 100 pounds). These have autoloaders. 

There is a town called Staromayorske that Ukraine has won back. It is just a tiny place but the interesting bit is that Russian losses were so heavy the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment DISOBEYED ORDERS to go to battle. 

Russia celebrated Navy Day. It honors members of the naval forces. In Mariupol Russian officers and servicemen were supposedly poisoned. Russia has been claiming the letter Z. In Mariupol the resistance is Group Y. 

Moscow’s propaganda ops are very impressive. They’ve meddled in American and European elections. They’re still messing in cultural wars in the US. But Russia’s screwups are causing cracks in the machine. They are having trouble explaining the point of the war to the Russian public and the Wagner mutiny really complicated things. Some outlets sided against Wagner and some for. 

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