things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

Ruddy Shelduck

This bird is a ruddy shelduck. It shouldn't really be next to a little pond & opposite lots of derelict tractors. It should really be in SE Asia. 

A friend noticed it here maybe 3 days ago & it's a puzzle. The wings of this one & presumably the adult female, are pinioned. That's a bit brutal as it's when the flight feathers of one wing are cut off - see 2nd extra. This means that they can no longer fly. They are a family of 4 - 2 juvs & 2 adults (see 1st extra).

The puzzle is/was, how did they get there and where do they go when they disappear?

On my walk this aft I met another birdie friend who thinks that the only idea that makes sense is that somebody has dumped them there.

Not a nice tale for a Friday for sure.

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