I can remember someone telling me for the first time about the firefighting planes that come down out of the sky, skim across the surface of a lake, taking on water, and then fly up to drop their load on a fire.
"Ridiculous" I said.
For a start, just the sheer amount of drag as the plane touched the surface of the water would send it tumbling head over heels.
And then I saw film of these planes actually doing this very thing, and I was totally bowled over. Just imagine the piloting involved, coming in at exactly the right height, dealing with the sudden friction and massive increase in the plane's weight, and then taking off again.
And this morning, while we were swimming, the Minx and I watched a plane complete that manoeuvre FOUR TIMES! Each time it would pick up its load, disappear into the hills, and then return a few minutes later for another go.
Later, sat on the balcony, doing a work call, I watched the same plane, flying up the valley, having filled up out at sea. I can't begin to tell you how impressive it was.
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